We had a great showing for the meeting this month, which included volunteering people for elected positions within the club. Kim and Mary have been wearing too many hats for years and were ready to hand over the reins.
- Dan signed up for CFMS liaison.
- Mary continues as show chair.
- Kim will cover meeting planning, donations, emails, field trip coordination, and start a junior rockhound program. He reluctantly continues as president.
- Mike is considering taking on the junior rockhound program where kids can earn badges and prizes.
- Tammy was volunteered to continue as vice president in absentia.
- Robbie is willing to take on treasurer if he can have a better list of the duties.
- Jeff continues as editor and secretary.
- Tamar continues as webmaster.
- Hospitality – no takers.
- Jim as correspondence secretary.
We watched a movie about Oregon sunstone.
People shared rocks and crafts. Little Colton won an award!
There’s also the silent auction each month with so much cool stuff for practically pennies.